Medical Devices

Surpassing The Medical Industry's Most Stringent Standards
Unparalleled waterless air washing for medical devices and related products
With Sonic Air Systems' extensive expertise in the Air Knife system in the medical industry, we deliver precise drying and air-washing capabilities for a wide range of medical devices. From contact lens pallets to surgical instruments, our tailored solutions cater to each product's unique drying or air-washing needs. By combining existing Sonic components or creating high-degree custom-engineered products, Sonic ensures the installed air knife systems meet and exceed customer criteria, offering unmatched performance and reliability.
Sonic provides engineered air knife systems in the medical industry for:
- Contact lens pallets
- Surgical needles
- I.V. pouches
- Prosthetics
- Lab trays and totes
- Surgical gauze
- Optical components
- Surgical instruments
Case Studies For Industry-Related Practical Applications